T&C’s for Partial Despatch
Every time you place an order via the Shopping Cart, you can choose to either group your items into as fewer deliveries as possible or have each shipped as it becomes available.You can change your delivery preferences on your order at any time by calling us after placing your order as long as the order hasn't entered the shipping process yet.
Group My Items Into As Fewer Deliveries As Possible:
Your order will be grouped into the fewest number of deliveries possible. This may mean that it will take longer to be shipped, depending on availability.I Want My Items Sooner, Ship Them As Soon As They Become Available:
Your items are shipped as they become available, beginning with those already in stock. You should choose this option if you want to receive your order quickly and the delivery may be delayed by the availability of a single item.Note: You will be charged for multiple deliveries if partial dispatch is chosen.